Returns a setter function for updating the value of writeable Recoil state.
function useSetRecoilState<T>(state: RecoilState<T>): SetterOrUpdater<T>;
type SetterOrUpdater<T> = (T | (T => T)) => void;
Returns a setter function which can be used asynchronously to change the state. The setter may either be passed a new value or an updater function which receives the previous value as an argument.
This is the recommended hook to use when a component intends to write to state without reading it. If a component used the useRecoilState()
hook to get the setter, it would also subscribe to updates and re-render when the atom or selector updated. Using useSetRecoilState()
allows a component to set the value without subscribing the component to re-render when the value changes.
import {atom, useSetRecoilState} from 'recoil';
const namesState = atom({
key: 'namesState',
default: ['Ella', 'Chris', 'Paul'],
function FormContent({setNamesState}) {
const [name, setName] = useState('');
return (
<input type="text" value={name} onChange={(e) => setName(} />
<button onClick={() => setNamesState(names => [...names, name])}>Add Name</button>
// This component will be rendered once when mounting
function Form() {
const setNamesState = useSetRecoilState(namesState);
return <FormContent setNamesState={setNamesState} />;