Returns the value of the given Recoil state.
This hook will subscribe the component to re-render if there are changing in the Recoil state.
for experimental support for React 18 transitions based on mutating Recoil state.
function useRecoilValue<T>(state: RecoilValue<T>): T;
This is the recommended hook to use when a component intends to read state without writing to it, as this hook works with both read-only state and writeable state. Atoms are writeable state while selectors may be either read-only or writeable. See selector()
for more info.
Using this hook in a React component will subscribe the component to re-render when the state is updated. This hook may throw if the state has an error or is pending asynchronous resolution. Please see this guide.
import {atom, selector, useRecoilValue} from 'recoil';
const namesState = atom({
key: 'namesState',
default: ['', 'Ella', 'Chris', '', 'Paul'],
const filteredNamesState = selector({
key: 'filteredNamesState',
get: ({get}) => get(namesState).filter((str) => str !== ''),
function NameDisplay() {
const names = useRecoilValue(namesState);
const filteredNames = useRecoilValue(filteredNamesState);
return (
Original names: {names.join(',')}
<br />
Filtered names: {filteredNames.join(',')}