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The useRecoilRefresher_UNSTABLE() hook returns a callback which can be called with a selector to clear any caches associated with it. If a selector makes any async requests this would cause it to re-evaluate and issue a new request. This is useful, for example, if you wish to refresh with newer data or re-try after an error. (See Asynchronous Data Queries Guide)

You can also refresh caches from useRecoilCallback() or a selector's getCallback().

type Refresher = () => void;

function useRecoilRefresher_UNSTABLE(state: RecoilValue): Refresher

It is currently a no-op to "refresh" an atom, it will retain its current state. Selectors will have their caches cleared. Because wrapper selectors are often used as abstractions, refreshing a selector will also recursively refresh the caches of all selectors that it depends on.


const myQuery = selector({
key: 'MyQuery',
get: () => fetch(myQueryURL),

function MyComponent() {
const data = useRecoilValue(myQuery);
const refresh = useRecoilRefresher_UNSTABLE(myQuery);

return (
Data: {data}
<button onClick={() => refresh()}>Refresh</button>