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The <RecoilRelayEnvironment> component enables you to use a Relay Environment with Recoil GraphQL selectors or atom effects in its child components. The <RelayEnvironmentProvider> component enables you to use a Relay Environment with Relay hooks in its child components. <RecoilRelayEnvironmentProvider> is simply a convenience component which combines these two.


  • environment - The Relay Environment object to register.
  • environmentKey - The EnvironmentKey object to associate this environment with.


const myEnvironmentKey = new EnvironmentKey('My Environment');

function MyApp() {
return (
{/** My App **/}
const myQuery = graphQLSelector({
key: 'MyQuery',
environment: myEnvironmentKey,
query: graphql`...`,
variables: {},

function MyComponent() {
const results = useRecoilValue(myQuery);