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A component from the Recoil Sync library to sync atoms using the syncEffect() or urlSyncEffect() atom effects with the browser URL.

This is identical to the <RecoilURLSync> component except that it provides built-in Transit encoding.

function RecoilURLSyncTransit(props: {
handlers?: Array<TransitHandler<any, any>>,
}): React.Node
  • handlers - Optional array of handlers for Custom Classes. It is important that this is a stable or memoized array instance. Otherwise you may miss URL changes as the listener is re-subscribed.

Transit encoding is not as terse or readable as just using JSON, however it can support Map and Set JavaScript containers as well as custom user classes.

Custom Classes​

Handlers for custom user classes can be defined with the handlers prop:

type TransitHandler<T, S> = {
tag: string;
class: Class<T>;
write: (T) => S;
read: (S) => T;


class ViewState {
active: boolean;
pos: [number, number];
constructor(active: boolean, pos: [number, number]) { = active;
this.pos = pos;
// ...
const viewStateChecker = custom((x) => (x instanceof ViewState ? x : null));

const HANDLERS = [
tag: 'VS',
class: ViewState,
write: (x) => [, x.pos],
read: ([active, pos]) => new ViewState(active, pos),

function MyApp() {
return (
location={{part: 'queryParams', param: 'state'}}
{/* children */}

const ViewState = atom<ViewState>({
key: 'ViewState',
default: new ViewState(true, [1, 2]),
effects: [syncEffect({storeKey: 'transit-url', refine: viewStateChecker})],